Program Overview


“The new skills I learned changed my life. I am so grateful!”

  • Danika, program participant

Cassandra Banks Foundation (CBF) supports black women throughout their journey to economic freedom through support of apprenticeship readiness programs.

CBF partners with unions, other workforce organizations, and local grassroots groups in recruitment and retention efforts for black women with the recognition that mentorship is a key factor in this work. Connecting black women in the apprenticeship readiness program with individuals who have either turned out or who are currently in apprenticeship is invaluable. By connecting with women who look like them, the sharing of experiences along every step of the journey creates opportunities for personal growth and meaningful friendships.

CBF has grant funding for apprenticeship readiness programs for local organizations. Since every U.S. geography has its own history and culture, we support solutions that are localized and implemented in coordination with grassroots organizers.

We have seen the value of this localized approach through our program in partnership with the Tradeswomen Sisterhood, based in the Inland Empire region of Southern California. The Women's Initiative for Readiness in Electrical (WIRE) program provided a comprehensive apprenticeship readiness curriculum focused on skill development and career readiness in the electrical trade. In addition to trainings, participants received support for essential expenses such as childcare, transportation, and necessary work gear, which assisted them in completing the 11-week program. In 2024, the first cohort graduated from the program. We are proud to report that all 11 women who enrolled successfully graduated from the program and are now on their way to life-changing opportunities. We plan to build on the success of the program to support future cohorts in that region as well as similar models across the country.

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